1st Transnational Partner Meeting in Krems

1st Transnational Partner Meeting in Krems

On September 21-23, 2021 the 1st Transnational Partner Meeting (TPM) took place at the University for Continuing Education Krems in Austria. Representatives of all partner institutions came to Krems to discuss the ongoing program and to exchange new ideas in person. It was the very first in-person meeting since the project started in November 2020, due to covid-19 travel restrictions.

The meeting focused on the current state of the first Intellectual Output (Development of the Curriculum) and the initiation of the second intellectual output (Guidelines on Didactics, Evaluation and Sustainable Improvement) for the future LL.M. program. Besides these main points of discussion, there was still time to evaluate the current plan of resources and present the upcoming events.

The first intellectual output is currently at Task 7 where the assigned team members work on the finalization of the draft curriculum for the envisaged postgraduate program. This step is crucial because the second intellectual output will be started as soon as the draft curriculum is finished.

The partners als agreed – based on the focus groups and expert feedback – on the final title of the envisaged study program: “LL.M. Data Economy Law”. Furthermore the key elements of the curriculum were evaluated and finally adopted by the consortium.

The consortium also agreed on the dissemination plan and is committed to support outreach activities.

In regard to planned activities the partner took the chance to set the number of participants for the upcoming events taking place in Lithuania and Austria in the Summer and Fall of 2022. Each partner university will send 3 participants to the HE staff training to Vilnius and 8 participants to the “Summer School” in Krems.

All in all, the first TPM was a welcomed alternative to the, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, dominating remote work and everybody enjoyed working together face-to-face and got a boost in motivation.