Join our Erasmus+ Intensive Training Week on Data Economy Law in Reichenau / Rax (Austria)

The DDM4SME Summer School on Data Economy Law covers a broad range of trending and relevant (legal) aspects of data driven businesses. It is based on research carried out in the course of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership DDM4SME. Scholars and experts from legal practice will lecture on selected aspects of the data economy based on state-of-the-art course material developed by the DDM4SME consortium. The Summerschool addresses High Potentials (undergraduates, graduates, doctoral/phd students) and interested professionals. The Summer School will not only offer insights into the most prominent aspects of data law, but the feedback of the participants will actively contribute to the finalization of the LL.M program.
For successfully attending the Summer School a certificate worth 3 ECTS will be awarded.
The Summer School will start with a Online Preperatory Course (via Moodle) on August 22, 2022. These first two weeks will be delivered online via a specially designed Moodle course which provides flexibility and learning autonomy for the participants. This phase will be a preparation for the final week and will allow the lecturers to start right into the respective topics.The final face-to-face Course will take place in Austria from September 4 to September 9, 2022. During this phase international legal practitioners and scientists will provide state of the art lectures and workshops. The participants will have the opportunity to discuss and work on case studies on current legal problems in the areas of Data Law, Data Protection and Cybersecurity in the Data Economy, Transnational Business Law and Innovation and IP Strategy with a focus towards SMEs and Start-Ups.
Online Preperatory Course (Aug 22, 2022 to Sep 4, 2022)
The students will get assigned into 4 groups based on the focus topics of the Summer School. Each group will be responsible to elaborate and discuss one legal case which has to be presented in front of the colleges on the final day in the last week. Additionally, every main topic will offer a list of reading material and a self-assessment quiz so that the participants can decide for themselves if they understand the respective topic enough.
Face-to-Face Course (Sep 4, 2022 – Sep 9, 2022)
Venue: The final week will take place in “Reichenau an der Rax” in Lower Austria. The place is located at the eastern foothills of the Austrian alps and offers a beautiful and laid-back atmosphere.
Lodging: “Flackl-Wirt” will serve as the venue for our lectures and as accommodation. The renowned hotel offers modern classrooms while maintaining the cozy feel of an alpine hotel.
Sunday 4.9.2022
The students will arrive at the venue and will be welcomed by the DDM4SME team
Monday 5.9.2022
The first day will focus on the basics of Data and Law. The participants will dig into the legal issue of access to and control of data.
Radim Polcak (Vice-rector for development, legal and information technologies at Masaryk University)
Andreas Wiebe (Professor at Georg August University Göttingen)
Philipp Homar (Professor at Johannes Kepler-University Linz)
Pavel Koukal (Assistance Professor at Masaryk University Brno)
Matej Myska (Assistance Professor at Masaryk University Brno)
Tuesday 6.9.2022
The second day is dedicated to Data Protection and Privacy Law. The students will learn about GDPR compliance in advanced data mining and negotiating data protection terms in contracts.
Don Ferguson (CISO and Principal Product Manager for Security, Privacy and Compliance with an international software company)
Zsolt Balogh (Associate Professor at Corvinus University Budapest)
Wednesday 7.9.2022
The third day aims to improve the understanding of Transnational Business Law. The participants will get an inside into international dispute resolution and international licensing.
Gabriel Lentner (Assistance Professor at University for Continuing Education Krems)
Miroslav Cerny (IP-Specialist at SKODA CZ)
Clemens Appl (Professor at University for Continuing Education Krems)
Thursday 8.9.2022
The fourth day will be the last lecture day and has a strong focus on Innovation Management and IP Strategies. This day shows the dedication of the project to tackle legal issues also with an economical approach.
Auste Kiskiene (Rector of Kazimiero Simonavičiaus University)
Mindaugas Kiskis (Professor at Kazimiero Simonavičiaus University Vilnius & Lawyer)
Friday 9.9.2022
Our Summer School will end with the presentation of each group in front of the fellow students. Afterwards, the students will have enough time for proper feedback regarding the Summer School. Before we say goodbye the leading committee of the DDM4SME project will hand over the certificates and celebrate with the participants the successful completion of the learning event.
Ongoing Tutoring Session
Each day ends with a tutoring lesson. The student groups will be able to ask questions and receive support for the case presentation on the final day.
Application and Fees
The Summer School is primarily open for students enrolled at the Partner Universities; but also welcomes a limited number of external participants. For external participants the fee is € 1.000,- (including lodging, full board and tuition fee). Students from Partner Universities can apply for a Erasmus+ Scholarship covering travel costs, lodging and tuition fee. Please get in touch with the partner university you are currently enrolled.
All students have to register via the following form.
Registration form
For any further question do not hesitate to contact the DDM4SME Summer School project team directly by using the following address: ta.c1743328367a.inu1743328367-uano1743328367d@reg1743328367nidua1743328367rK.ni1743328367majne1743328367B1743328367