From May 19 to May 20, 2022, the CICL 2022 (Conference on Innovation and Communication Law) took place at the University for Continuing Education Krems. The event was dedicated to current topics of interest (Copyright in the Digital Age, NFT, platform service provider etc.) and their implications to the field of innovation and communication law. During the program, the international participants got the chance to exchange ideas and strengthen their relations within the community. At CICL 2022 almost 40 speakers from various scientifiv institutions placed in four continents (Europe, North America, Asia, Oceania) participate at this conference in Krems.
Two DDM4SME representatives, Prof. Clemens Appl from University for Continuing Education Krems and Prof. Pavel Koukal from Masarykova University Brno, took the opportunity to introduce the DDM4SME project to the CICL Community, the milestones already achieved and to explain the upcoming events to the audience.
In June representatives of all partner universities will meet in Vilnius, Lithuania, to finalize IO 2. The DDM4SME team will work with experts in the field of continuing education to set up a didactic strategy, tailored to the needs of our future LL.M students.
The next step towards the final program will be the “Summer School on DDM4SME” in August and September 2022. During this event, a preselected group of students from the partner universities will get the chance to dive into a “best-of” of the course content. The summer school will be offered as a hybrid learning program (on-campus and remote learning) and the feedback of the students will be used for further work on the final LL.M course.
Our DDM4SME representatives were able to gather important feedback during the CICL 2022 and the audience, as well as our team, enjoyed exchanging ideas from different point of views on the ongoing project.
Learn more about the CICL 2022: www.cicl2022.at