Our second day focused on various aspects of data protection and cybersecurity. Don Ferguson, affiliated with the University of Göttingen, delivered to the participants first-hand, the main legal ways how to prevent cybersecurity incidents in an international organization. Prof Zsolt Balogh from Corvinus University of Budapest followed on this with an in-depth explanation how advanced data mining my conflict with GDPR regulations. The final of this very practice-oriented day was a discussion loaded presentation from Don Ferguson on how to negotiate cybersecurity terms in contracts.
After this intense academic day, the participants were still motivated to make use of the great weather. Together we went up a beautiful hiking trail in the late evening to the traditional lodge “Speckbacher-Hütte”. After a challenging but rewarding walk, everybody was glad to enjoy the view at the lodge and celebrated the accomplished second day with some drinks and a lot of discussions.
We are happy to have such active participants and looking forward to the next day.