During our third day, transnational business law was the subject of interest. The day started with a remote lecture by Prof Gabriel Lentner from University of Krems covering current issues in the field of international dispute resolution. The participants were introduced to new EU legislation and the lecturer offered insights into alternatives to traditional litigation. The second lecture was provided by Miroslav Cerny who is head of IP-management at SKODA CZ, targeting international licensing. Real life examples showed who important it is, to have a proper understanding of licensing agreements to avoid conflicts of law in the IP-business.
The end of our today’s academic program was the lecture on AI in corporate management by Prof Clemens Appl and Benjamin Kraudinger (both from University for Continuing Krems). With an interactive approach the lecturer team guided the participants through the most important legal questions arising with the use of AI as a management tool. In the end, everybody was happy that there is no “Robo-CEO” yet.
After the intense lecture program, the participants enjoyed the opportunity to spend some time with new friends at the hotel or in the center of Reichenau. Everybody was amazed how fast the first days have passed by and we have almost arrived at the last lecture day of the DDM4SME Summer School 2022.