Introducing the Visual Identity of DDM4SME

Introducing the Visual Identity of DDM4SME

About me

My name is Martin Ružička and I am a graphic designer specializing in designing brand identities. My favorite part of my profession is creating logos, since it requires to come up with a simple solution for a complex problem using conceptual thinking.

I designed the brand identity for DDM4SME as part of a class called Graphic Design and Multimedia Project at Masaryk University in March 2021, where I won the internal competition for the DDM4SME Visual Identity.


Building the identity concept

First, I established few keywords that represent the project and could be used in building of the identity.

  • Digital Education
  • Management
  • Innovative
  • Data digitization

Based on these keywords I selected objects and/or colors.

  • Laptop / Cyan
  • Orange
  • Paper data turning into digital data / White

Brand identity

Since the project goes under the name DDM4SME, it does not need any complex symbol, so I had to come up with purely typographic logo. I decided to work with the 4, because it nicely divides the name. I modified the 4 to have a reminiscence of objects related to the project and to be visually interesting and memorable.

The rest of the identity works with the triangular shapes with same angle as the 4 and in vibrant colors I established in the beginning.

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